
Some say that everything began with an idea. I agree, but ideas are not constant, they come and go, like on an endless highway that connects our brain to the Universe. Words, on the other hand, make them stick with you forever. Words can give life to our multiple ideas, but they can also crush them, if they want to. I chose my battle with words because my ideas deserve a chance.

By reading this blog, you’ll see a bit of my creative side, whilst my opinion on random stuff will make you see the world through my eyes. I also love reading as you can see here.

But Psychochromatic Redemption is more than just a blog. It’s name states the importance of colour in my life and how it saved me from a dark, obscure place. My photography is all about Psychochromatic redemption.

You can reach out by commenting to my posts, as I’d really like to hear your thoughts.

26 thoughts on “About

  1. Wow hunny , you got a lot going on here, love the idea I’d colours and music , as both affects ones mood, ones life, a very interesting blog, take care be strong ,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot! I so glad you find the things I write about interesting :). I also like your blog and I can understand what you’re going trough at times. Take care and always try to look at the glass as half full (glass of water as it is) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your statement that “words give your ideas a chance.” That is so true. I’m here because of your like on my limerick Lost? My Find. Thanks for visiting. I’m clicking your follow since I’m here. Hope to see more of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Having read your comments about Solnit’s book, I’d like to offer you review copies of three novels I’ve got coming out this year (yeah, long story). Shall I post my query here or do you have an email address I should use? ptittle7 at gmail com


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