Collages are fun!

I discovered collages at the begining of 2022, after I got a new job and was still struggling with the transitions of moving back home. I belive discovering collages was therapeutic for me, a way of expression through the process of cutting and sticking. When I create collages, digital or analogue it’s like I likeContinue reading “Collages are fun!”

Top Five Best Reads 2023 (Plus a Bonus)

2023 has been an exciting year. I’ve read many books and I also enjoyed so many. Here are my top 5 best reads for 2023, plus a bonus. I don’t have a post with the best books from 2021 or 2022, but here are the best books from 2020. So without any further adue, let’sContinue reading “Top Five Best Reads 2023 (Plus a Bonus)”

A book for the end of the year

I haven’t written any posts lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. One book that is just perfect to read at the end of the year is 2024… The Year of More. You can read the synopsis and purchase the book here. This book is just what you need to set your goalsContinue reading “A book for the end of the year”

A book like a long session of meditation

Becoming Flawesome by Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani Birds are loudly chirping in my neighbour’s apple tree, I am on my sun lounger, watching the butterflies as they fly from flower to flower in search of nectar. I just finished Becoming Flawesome by Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani and it’s like I’m in a state of trance.  The synopsis goes likeContinue reading “A book like a long session of meditation”

Project 36 (Thirty-six)

This is the last shot of the series, so this is all about thanks. First and foremost I’d like to thank The Photographic Eye YouTube Channel who inspired me to start this project in the first place.

Project 36 (Thirty-five)

Crushing the Earth under colourful boots. It’s nearly the end of the Project 36 and I’m pretty pleased with all the ideas and shots. It was quite challenging at times, but ideas are everywhere, we just have to look for them.

Project 36 (Thirty-four)

Seeing the Earth through a small window. I wanted to replicate the airplane’s windows, even though the spaceship windows look totally different. It’s more of an abstract idea😀