Once upon a time

Once upon a time, there was kindness. Once upon a time there was respect. Once upon a time there was gratitude. But everything was once upon a time. Nowadays people seem to have lost the meaning of these words. They are not a part of the majority’s vocabulary. What happened in 20 years? Where didContinue reading “Once upon a time”

Running out of words

What do you do when you lose your words? When they become insignificant as you learn to express  yourself through other medium. What then? Do you give up? I don’t, but I speak and write less and observe more. That’s how I discovered  photography, observing  more, learning to see differently. It wasn’t easy  at first,Continue reading “Running out of words”

Never give up…on you

Two years ago I wrote my first post over here.It was about Women Rebellion and a very good subject to start with. Even though 2 years have passed from that, I still have the same beliefs  and that gets me thinking. Do we really change? Do people change over time or is it more that weContinue reading “Never give up…on you”

MWM&M: Summer thoughts

Coming home from work today I thought about this summer and how it changed me. It was probably one of the toughest summers in my life, but I’ve managed to survive. It was mentally exhausting, therefore my energy level was constantly very low. I couldn’t concentrate as much as I wanted on the things IContinue reading “MWM&M: Summer thoughts”

Mining through drafts

This is an updated draft I wanted to publish last week. It wasn’t what I expected to be, but I’m never impressed with my work. I wanted to write about the importance of books in a forever changing world, but I couldn’t come up with anything worth publishing. Finally, some words and rhymes linked togetherContinue reading “Mining through drafts”